Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bored Remi

We have had seven straight days of rain and because of it, Remi is not a happy camper right now. Oh sure, he's got plenty of hay to keep him busy for a while, but even that get's boring for him. And I can't say as I can blame him one bit. The other horses aren't too thrilled about all of this rain either.

Today is the first day that the sun has stayed out for a good amount of time, but the pasture is still a giant mud pit with water standing everywhere, and there's just no way we can let any of them out. We haven't been able to take them for walks either, because the rain has just been so constant. Well, I can't walk them any way right now :(

I haven't been to the barn this whole time because I'm still in the boot, and it's just to slickery to try and make it down there to see Remi. I miss him. I want to give him a big ole kiss on his big ole nose, but it's gonna have to wait for a few more days. Hopefully, the rain that's in the forecast for Monday and Tuesday will go somewhere else. Well, I can hope, can't I?

Besides being bored, Remi and the others have all sorts of new critters to bother them. I swear, this rain and weird weather has caused a whole lot of new bugs to grow out of nowhere. We have flies in 3 different sizes that are buzzing around. Some sound like huge planes buzzing around when they get in the house and are fast as the wind.

There's even a bug that looks like a fly but has a stinger on it. What the heck is that? And the fire ant mounds are invading like nobody's business, so we're going to have to keep everyone out of the back pasture for awhile until we can get rid of them. No more bad reactions to ant bites for Remi, I'll tell ya. Nuh uh, no way :)

So we'll have to wait it out and hope we get a dry spell going. Keep your fingers crossed, or we may have a horse mutiny on our hands. Uh oh, that wouldn't be fun! I can just see them clanging their hooves on their gates to get out. Let us out, let us out, let us out :)

I hope you are all still with us. I know there hasn't been much excitement with Remi stories, but I promise, there will be new fun to tell from time to time. In the meantime, let us know if you're still keeping up with the big boy. Please leave us a comment and sign your name so we know you're there :) We really do enjoy sharing Remi's adventures with you.

Stay tuned, stay happy and stay with us!


  1. We are so tires of the rain! We needed some, but not enough to float an ark!

  2. Our paws are crossed that your rain stops ASAP! We don't like rain either - it ruins all of our fun!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Wish your rain would come our way. We had one storm over labor day weekend, had and inch and a half in 20 minutes. Just enough to cause flash floods. Would be so nice to have a good rainy day to stay indoors and read or sleep. Hope you get dried out soon and your foot gets better. Becky

  4. I feel bad for all of you and your critters. Still no word from Guinness I guess. What in the world is taking them so long? Well, patience wins out in the end.

    You can bet I'll be sticking around. I check every time you have a new post out.

    I grew carrots in my little veggie beds this year. I'll send virtual carrots to all the kids. They are little short ones, so Remi probably wouldn't even notice them as he swallows them whole. :-)

    Take good care and keep your chins up. That reminds me. Does Remi have long chin whiskers too?

    Beth Ann Daye


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